
Apply to inSTEM

Applications for the 2024/2025 academic year are open! Apply here.


Are you an undergraduate first-year student interested in one of the exciting fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM)?

inSTEM is a support network of and for STEM students currently at Howard University, the University of Texas – Arlington, and California State University – East Bay.

At the NSTMF, we are building inclusive and equitable STEM communities across the country. inSTEM is designed to inspire the next generation of great scientists and technologists by creating connections and developing skills that help students overcome barriers to success.

Available Funding

Each student will be awarded a $300 stipend per semester as well as a Scholar Success Kit for successful entry and completion of inSTEM program engagements.



inSTEM offers four years of programming; each has a theme based on the Scholars’ needs for the current school year. Scholars are recruited as prospective first year undergraduate students and are empowered to make the most of the four year inSTEM curriculum.

Each cohort includes 15 inSTEM Scholars and one Coach. STEM Experts will visit cohorts to lead workshops and provide insights about the greater STEM community!

  • First-Year Students
  • High School weighted GPA of 2.8 and above
  • Interested in STEM majors (What do we mean by STEM majors? Click here.)
  • Interested in joining their STEM community
  • Willing to learn and share with peers
  • Open-minded

Scholar benefits and obligations

In addition to personal and professional development benefits; inSTEM scholars will be eligible for:

  • A stipend to be used for books and requires school supplies.
  • Student Success Kit that includes equipment they need to participate in this program from a distance, like a headset and a microphone or other distance learning materials

Scholars are expected to:

  • Adhere to a code of conduct that creates a safer space for everyone to share and learn. Participants who do not comply with the guidelines for creating safer spaces for Scholars will be removed from the program immediately.
  • Attend eight meetings per semester and schedule at least one 30-minute mentor session with their Coach per semester.
  • Reach out to at least two STEM experts in their auxiliary network by the end of each term to build their professional network.

Program Goals

Photo of inSTEM Apply
The Program has three objectives for students pursuing undergraduate degrees in stem:
  • 1. Build a community that prompts students to address the benefits and challenges of being a member of an underrepresented community in stem.
  • 2. Offer proffessional development for undergraduates seeking experience relevent to their majors.
  • 3. Connect students with mentors on campus and role models off campus to whom they can turn for guidance.

Applications are open!

If you are an incoming first year STEM interested student at Howard University, the University of Texas at Arlington, or Cal State East Bay – you can submit an application.

Apply Now

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