I actually was entomophobic for much of my early life. From an early age, I loved nature. I loved most animals and planets and starting about 2nd grade, I developed a massive phobia about insects. I’d go out of my way to avoid crossing paths with caterpillar. Called my big brother in to dispatch them.
And when I got to college I was a declared biology major and placed out of introductory biology with Advanced Placement credit. And I was allowed to take an upper level course and literally the only course that fit my schedule was one called terrestrial arthropods, which I suspected had a lot to do with insects so I thought all right fear stems from ignorance. Maybe if I take a course I’ll learn which ones I should be afraid of.
And it was tough at the beginning but by the end of the semester I was completely sold, sort of mildly overbalanced. It’s one reason I’m very involved in outreach and public engagement because I can totally relate to people who hate insects because I was one of them once.