
Richard Mankin

Research Entomologist, US Department of Agriculture

University of Florida, Ph.D

My research focuses on detecting and controlling hidden insect infestations.
I also work on questions about how insects use the senses of smell and sound in communication. As a person with a physical disability, I have endeavored to make persons aware that disabilities do not preclude societal contributions nor career success. They merely make such contributions more difficult. I serve on the governing board of the Entomological Society of America and am President of the Foundation for Science and Disability.


What are you most proud of in your work or life?

Being a human


What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Connecting with family, exploring nature


Do you have a personal motto or other words to live by?

Love life and be true to yourself


Favorite snack food?



What else would you like us to know?

I enjoy mentoring; today’s young people are our future

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